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Showing posts from December, 2018

Christmas presents

If you keep wondering what to give your family and friends  as a present for Chistmas and you just can’t make up anything, I have something that may help you. I found few lists of most popular gifts from last years. As you can imagine they all look almost the same, which means that some presents are timeless and, problably, always welcome. So, on the top of the list, there are cosmetics and perfumes . If you are not sure which  to choose than you can just take any of christmas sets, as they usually contain basic and useful products and, at the same time, look nice.   On the second place there are: books , clothes , and sweets . The last position is the easiest solution and will work almost always; all you should do is to avoid popular allergens like nuts. It’s much more complicated in case of books and clothes which are very individual things. On the last place of most popular gifts there are:  jewellery and money . And you, what would you like to find un der your ch

Man’s best friend… in winter

Everyone knows that dogs are man’s best friends because are faithful, loving and caring. With enthusiasm will accompany you during everyday activities like shopping or going for a walk. You can take them with you on holidays,   mountain trip, sailing or paying   someone a visit. Their energy will motivate you to go out, move a little bit and do some sport. But... do you really need this in winter? To put on all those warm clothes, go out in rain, snow and wind and, when you go back home, clean your best friend’s paws and fur   to avoid having all your house dirty?   Wouldn’t you prefer in this long evenings a sofa and a warm blanket? Because that is exactly what your cat needs. To lie all the day on your belly, warm you up and purr to relax you. All it wants from you is just to stroke it a little. It seems, though, that cats are much better companion to spend winter time with.